After the tri season wrapped up in Kerrville, I went straight into marathon training mode. My friends and I had decided to do the Rock ‘n Roll Full Marathon here in San Antonio. I was super eager to get this race under my belt since my last attempt at a full marathon ended up with me getting a stress fracture. I also wanted to complete this marathon because I was going to be signing up for IM Arizona the weekend after the race. I at least wanted to complete a marathon before I signed up for a race that ended in one!
The race went well. I was running with my husband and another friend of ours, who was also doing his first marathon. Unfortunately for my husband his stomach started going sour at about mile 11. He decided to keep running but was forced to make many bathroom stops. My friend and I went on without him and we held strong until about mile 18 where I started to get a cramp in my right calf. It was a super warm and humid day and I had not been taking salt tabs on a consistent basis. I quickly downed a couple salt tabs and continued running, but I told my friend to go on ahead of me at mile 19. I didn’t want to slow him down, as he was feeling strong. At mile 20 I called my husband to see how he was doing (I had my phone with me) and he told me he was at mile 19. Since I wasn’t too worried about my time with this race I decided to slow my pace and wait for him to catch up to me.

Total Time = 5:44:19
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